You can read all you want online about acupuncture; your google search will not provide the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions.
I have not met one patient who is appropriately informed about acupuncture, though they believe they are. I believe, therefore I don’t doubt myself. The healthcare system, medicine, acupuncture and science are not belief systems.
I’ll tell you a story; patient X was was injured at work, or was in a car accident. Let’s call patient X: Bonny. Bonny has an attorney who is concerned with making money of this case; in order for the attorney to make money; Bonny has to see multiple MD’s, PT, and maybe a chiropractor and/or acupuncturist. All these healthcare providers are told by the attorney not to interfere with each others work. The MD’s may actually have physical therapy, chiropractic, or acupuncture in their office, which means the MD is also making money from these services.
Bonny has not been able to live her normal life for 3 months due to pain, all her time is spent going from one doctor to another doctor, to a therapist and to the pharmacy. Bonny is not getting better.
Bonny now may decide to see a naturopath, or a functional medicine doctor, get massages, and add more to her routine.
6 months later; Bonny still has severe back pain, or neck pain, or headaches, or all of them. Bonny now is also depressed and addicted to Xanax and pain pills; Bonny is not better, she is worst.
Eventually, Bonny is referred to me.
She has a neurologist, a pain management doctor, a primary care doctor, a naturopath, an acupuncturist, a massage therapist, physical therapist and chiropractor.
Since I am opposed to sharing what I provided Bonny, because what Bobby reading this may be recommended, is not what Bonny received.
I am also opposed to sharing my methods publicly. Why would I give my competition my recipe?
I am the second, or the fourth acupuncturist on the case; some patients have seen multiple acupuncturist before I get my hands on them. My methods did not just include acupuncture, or if it did it was a different kind of acupuncture . Additonally, all those doctors and therapist did not continue to see Bonny when I took the case over. How many chefs do you want in the kitchen with different recipes?
If Bonny had not been accepted into my care, if Bonny had not followed directions; Bonny would still be in pain and disabled. I can only accept some cases.
Bonny’s pain resolved (she did not have pain any longer).
Bonny discontinued taking pain meds and Xanax.
Let’s make this abundantly clear; patients do not discontinue drugs on their own. Drug tapers occur under my supervision (which may include other doctors being involved), if patients don’t follow my directions; they are no longer allowed to see me. (Non-compliance leads to discharge from care).
Bonny did not continue spending hours going to appointments.
Bonny was able to go back to work, or to take care of her children, or babysit her grandchildren, or become a first time mother.
The course of her illness changed; the course of her life changed. She wasn’t sitting around doctors’ offices for hours.
Now, do you think I charge the same as the other acupuncturists? No. Unless, I am doing the same type of work.
If you want to save yourself from disability after an injury, or surgery; you know who to call.
To all the Bonny’s who have been under my care since 2008; I am glad you are living and moving in the world free from the shackles of disability caused by pain and standard care. You may consider writing a testimonial here.
Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, LAc