Fertility Acupuncture Newport Beach

Infertility Acupuncture Newport Beach

Posted on February 18, 2016


"Acupuncture can allow you to cross the line from infertile to fertile by helping your body function more efficiently, which in turn allows other, more modern reproductive treatments, like IVF, to also work more efficiently. "

- James, Dillard, M.D. -

Infertility Acupuncture Newport Beach.

IVF Failed? You may still be able to have a biological child.

Acupuncture & infertility; how does it help the body function more efficiently to conceive?

  • Acupuncture increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries (proven by research), encouraging an efficient remodeling of the endometrial layers such that the uterine lining is conducive for implantation of an embryo

  • Acupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries, increasing maximal delivery of nutrients, oxygen and drugs to the follicles as they are developing & may aid the recruited follicles to grow at a similar rate for retrieval.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety to bolster the patient’s resilience, and reduce depressive symptoms.

  • Decreases side effects of ovarian stimulation during IVF: Headaches, high blood pressure, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, rashes, night sweats, abdominal distention, constipation and pain.

How can an acupuncture for infertility help increase IVF odds of conception?


  • Sperm quality specific acu-points have demonstrated an improvement in the microcirculation in testicular artery (which diminishes with age). Acupuncture increases blood supply (oxygen and nutrients) to the testicles aiding in the production of healthy sperm.  For specific male infertility diagnosis and acupuncture research see http://www.acupunctureinsteadofsurgery.com/male-fertility-acupuncture/

  • Acupuncture has an effect on the follicular microenvironment (egg quality);  Research has proven electro-acupuncture at specific points increase blood flow in the uterine artery leading to a richer follicular environment which nourishes the egg, leading to a better quality egg. The follicle becomes response 6 months prior to ovulation.

  • Increase oocyte mitochondrial ATP output (egg quality):   What does that mean? In research certain Chinese herbs have proven the capacity to increase energy within cells. When the cells of and egg have more energy the egg quality increases. The mitochondria is the power-house of the cell, they will create higher quality embryos which increase the chances of a pregnancy! How do you get these Chinese herbs? They are prescribed and your use monitored by the prescribing acupuncturist.

  • Enhance follicle antioxidant defenses (egg quality) with certain Chinese herbal medicine provided in capsules.

  • PCOS:  Acupuncture improves ovarian function by regulating hormone levels, aids ovulation!  (e.g. LH, testosterone).  Acupuncture has proven to induce ovulation in PCOS in research, better than exercise and relaxation activities. However, you will still be advised on your diet, exercise and relaxation activities.

  • Reduces stress hormones associated with reduced IVF pregnancy success rates.  Mental health concerns are an issue for women who are subjected to IVF, even if they give birth.  Being proactive about emotional care, which acupuncture provides by altering the body is a great choice.

  • Improve follicle environment by reducing inflammatory cytokines with certain Chinese herbs to improve egg quality affected by endometriosis.

Can an acupuncturist help us get pregnant naturally instead of using IVF?  

  • Yes, it may be possible.  And it is being reported all around the world that women have fallen pregnant after failed IVF cases when they were treated by acupuncturists.  However, it depends on your diagnosis and some other variables which will be assessed during your initial consultation.  Acupuncture cannot help you conceive if you have tubal blockage or are sterile.  A fertility acupuncturist will evaluate your lab results, fertility diagnosis and medical history and advise you if they have alternative treatment options.  You will need at least 3 months of treatment.

Acupuncture & infertility, can acupuncture induce ovulation?

  • Yes, acupuncture may stimulate proper ovulation. Raymond Chang M.D. “When you compare the pregnancy rates for a drug such as Clomid to acupuncture alone, the rates are equal—50% chance of pregnancy alone, three months for general patients.”

  • Some women can experience irregular ovulation (oligo-ovulatory) or no ovulation (anovulatory).

  • Tests to determine ovulatory status: prolactin testing, pelvic ultrasound, urinary LH testing, serum FSH/LH testing, serum progesterone testing, and the charting of the basal body temperature.  Please see your OB/GYN or reproductive endocrinologist for diagnosis.

  • Acupuncture does not induce ovulation with one visit!   You will need a proper course treatment, it takes time to alter your body with acupuncture, in order to have it function properly.

I’ve heard acupuncture on the day of the embryo transfer increases pregnancy rates. 

  • On The Day of the Embryo Transfer: Acupuncture relaxes the uterus; reducing cramping and tension to aid implantation.  Stress reduction alone may also increase implantation rates.  Multiple research studies have found acupuncture on this day increases live birth rates.

  •  Studies have found acupuncture increases live births, decreases and decreases miscarriage rates when combined with IVF.

  • Acupuncture is provided prior and immediately after the embryo/embryos are placed in the uterus.  I’ve reviewed all the research and recommend this to be done at the reproductive endocrinologist office.

Acupuncture & infertility. What infertility conditions have you treated? 

  1. Unexplained infertility

  2.  Secondary infertility

  3.  Luteal Phase Defect

  4. Amenorrhea

  5. Sperm Quality.  Check out http://www.acupunctureinsteadofsurgery.com/sperm-quality/

  6. Immune Factors

  7.  PCOS

  8.  Endometriosis

  9.  Diminished Ovarian Reserve

  10.  Ovulation irregularities

  11.  Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (Miscarriages)

  12. Hypothyroidism/Hyperthyroidism

  13. Poor responders to ovarian stimulation (3 months of treatment)

  14. Poor egg quality/embryo quality (3months of treatment)

  15. Low AMH (3months of treatment)

  16. High FSH levels

  17. Repeated implantation failure 

  18. Suboptimal (thin) Endometrial Lining 

  19. Preparation for Frozen Embryo Transfer (6 weeks)

  20. Uterine ischmocele (at least 3 months with monthly ultrasounds)

  21. Care of surrogates during pregnancy (Please see information on my site for pregnancy related conditions managed with acupuncture)

Acupuncture questions should be directed to those licensed in acupuncture. You wouldn’t ask a spinal surgeon about eye surgery, why would you ask anyone about acupuncture, other than an acupuncturist?  I am a fellow of the American Board of Reproductive Medicine.  You can search for a fertility acupuncturist in your area at www.ABORM.org 

  1. Acupuncture cuts time to get pregnancy in half: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27242910
  2. Diminished Ovarian Reserve and Electro-Acupunture: EA may modulate reproductive hormone levels and the effects seem to persist for at least 12 weeks after treatmentwith no significant side effects. EA may improve the ovarian reserve of patients with DOR: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27177929
  3. Sperm: Acupuncture treatment in primary infertile varicocele patients with semen abnormalities seems to be effective and has comparable results with the varicocelectomy treatment.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26791438 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26791438
  4. Acupuncture as a therapeutic option for threatened miscarriage. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3342918/
  5. Acupuncture reduces miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies and increases take home babies in IVF. https://www.mdedge.com/obgyn/article/50298/gynecology/acupuncture-ivf-linked-lower-miscarriage-and-ectopic-rates
  6. Acupuncture for failed implantation in IVF cases: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23512550/
  7. Patients exhibiting a low fertility potential due to reduced sperm activity may benefit from acupuncture treatment. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9272232
  8. Abnormal sperm: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14695986
  9. Acupuncture and sperm study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30942613
  10. Sperm research https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26791438
  11. Nutritional and Environmental Considerations for Male Fertility: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10696117


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Tags: egg quality, infertility, IVF, PCOS, sperm quality