Newport Beach Acupuncture, Primary Care

Acupuncture Newport Coast Stem Cells & Acupuncture

Posted on August 30, 2023

Acupuncture Newport Coast My Acupuncturist Doesn’t Seem to Age like normal people? It must be their genes.  No, it’s not our genes. It is an alteration in our gene expression (epigenetics), endogenous stem cells, how we (some of us) address any slight attack on our health, and salutogenesis. Acupuncture Releases Stem Cells?   Mobilization of endogenous […]

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I’d argue that high quality acupuncturists who practice primary care not only meet, but exceed the needs of patients. Below

Meeting the Nation’s Primary Care Needs

“Complementary and alternative medicine providers, such as practitioners of acupuncture and oriental medicine, chiropractors, direct-entry midwives and naturopathic physicians, are “generally unrecognized” by, but can fill a greater role in, the national healthcare landscape, according to a whitepaper generated by the Primary Care Project of the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care.

“Even though significant numbers of people actively use these four licensed disciplines as their first choice for primary care, workforce analyses have not included the potential contributions of these disciplines,” Michael Goldstein, PhD, senior research scientist at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and whitepaper collaborator, said in a news release.

The authors of “Meeting the Nation’s Primary Care Needs: Current and Prospective Roles of Doctors of Chiropractic and Naturopathic Medicine, Practitioners of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and Direct Entry Midwives” recommend policymakers learn about the “hidden dimension” of primary care and suggest doing so by:

•    Funding and engaging research on individuals who use CAM providers as their first choice for primary care.
•    Examining the contributions CAM providers make to patient satisfaction, quality of life and cost.”

This is a repost from

I recommend discontinuing using the term ‘oriental’ in regards to Chinese Medicine, Japanese medicine, or Korean medicine.I do not use the term ‘Oriental medicine’ in my practice, but since this is is a repost from another website, I have not made any changes.

I do practice primary care; which includes only ordering labs/imaging when it is medically necessary. And, discharging non-compliant patients.


Holistic Health Newport Beach

Are OB/GYN’s educated about Infertility?

Posted on May 3, 2023

  A cross-sectional survey of fertility knowledge in obstetrics and gynecology residents Background: To evaluate fertility knowledge among current Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) residents using a recently published validated instrument, the Fertility and Infertility Treatment Knowledge Score (FIT-KS). Methods: OB-GYN residents in the United States were recruited through an email to all residency coordinators nationwide. […]

Informed Consent-Infertility

Posted on April 25, 2023

Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, LAc. QME is known in the community for helping infertile couples have biological children when IVF has failed. IVF can fail for many reasons, we will not be addressing that here.  We are addressing the risks of conception for the infertile population. Infertile couples, or older women/men, attempting to conceive have increased risk […]

Marijuana & Male Infertility

Posted on May 4, 2022

Heavy Cannabis Use May Lead to Male Reproductive Issues Jan 26, 2022 By: ASRM Origin: ASRM Bulletin A new study, Chronic exposure to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol impacts testicular volume and male reproductive health in rhesus macaques, published in Fertility and Sterility shows evidence that heavy cannabis use can lead to decreased hormone production, lower semen volume, and […]

Posted on May 3, 2022

Acupuncture to Get Off Drugs-Newport Beach

Prescription Drug Taper Program

Are you going through a steroid withdrawal? Tapering off drugs used for mental-emotional symptoms; such as depression? Anxiety?

Psych drug taper-adjunct withdrawal: While tapering (coming off) of drugs prescribed for depression, or anxiety patients often report many symptoms which we have been able to reduce (see scope of practice to see what may be prescribed, or used by Dr. Pourhassani, DACM).

Steroid taper- adjunct comfort measure coming off of, or reducing the dose of steroids you have been taking can cause a lot of physical discomfort, even when you are tapering appropriately.

Dr. Pourhassani, DACM may be able to help reduce the symptoms associated with reducing (tapering) steroids. Predinose is a common corticosteroid which causes discomfort during a taper, and weeks following the end of taper. 

This is informational content. You require an indepth evaluation by Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, which includes a review of your medical records.  She will establish based on the evaluation if she may be able to help you. You may be provided recommendations based on her scope of practice. 

Not everyone will be a good candidate to work with Dr. Pourhassani. She will only accept your case for an initial trial, which will require periodic re-evaluations, may include referrals, new recommendations.

We are not claiming you have a simple problem, you have an iatrogenic problem for which no appropriate solutions exist. Nor is it a concern for most physicians; discomfort from detoxing, tapering, and changing to new drugs is not perceived as a concern requiring an intervention.

Dr. Pourhassani understands you are suffering, and you need help to reduce the physical and psychological suffering due to tapering.  She has taken care of many who have suffered such painful consequences of pharmaceuticals.

PSA: Not all acupuncturists are educated to help with such conditions. Your medical records must be reviewed. The drugs you consume (RX’d,  OTC, street drugs) and supplements must be evaluated by the acupuncturist. You must be given a treatment plan (if they tell you, you can come anytime you want, they will not be able to help you.) If you do not follow treatment recommendations; you will fail.  You are not educated, or understand how this problem must be addressed. I see failures due to patients not taking acupuncture seriously, and acupuncturist held hostage by non-complaint patients.  In my practice you will be discharged for not following recommendations.

Do you take insurance? No, your insurance does not cover this service.

Can I schedule an appointment for acupuncture to get off drugs? No, you need to schedule an evaluation and consultation to learn how this may work, how it may not work, what is required from you. And, ultimately, if the doctor thinks you are a good fit for her program.

Acupuncture to Get Off Drugs-Newport Beach
