Infertility/IVF Acupuncture Newport Beach. Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, LAc. QME is known in the community for helping infertile couples have biological children when IVF has failed. Patients cannot just have acupuncture for fertility. They require a consultation and evaluation to deem if they are an appropriate candidate for interventions which increase their chance of becoming parents. […]
Newport Beach- Men’s Mental Health and Hormonal Health may be regulated with regular acupuncture treatments. You will need to find an acupuncturist who is capable of helping you. Appropriate acupuncture may be a more effective option than talk therapy. Google searches are unlike scientific literature searches. I was searching how many years a divorce can […]
Are you fed up with corporate wellness calls that offer sympathy instead of solutions? Do you find it frustrating when you’re encouraged to “talk about it” without receiving practical ways to reduce stress and boost productivity, leading to genuine happiness through performance? Individuals deserve solutions that promote both physical and mental well-being. If you don’t […]
The Value of a Health Coach On a Collaborative Care Team: Written by Sandra Scheinbaum, Ph.D., IFMCP Why Have a Health Coach? Coaches bridge the gap between your recommendations and carrying them out. “A coach inspires passion and purpose in others.”Fredrick Hudson, Hudson Institute of Coaching Your Patients’ Personal Cheerleader 7 Ways that a Functional […]
Unexplained Infertility Acupuncture Newport Coast Report of Findings: Unexplained Infertility Written by Shabnam Pourhassani, LAc, QME, DACM, FABORM Citation: Pourhassani, Shabnam, Report of Findings: Unexplained Infertility. July 6, 2021. July 6, 2021 Abstract: Scientific knowledge and diagnostic screenings have limitations. Unexplained infertility is a diagnosis provided to couples trying to conceive who have been […]
Dry Needling is Dangerous, Causing Irreversible Damage Only See Licensed Acupuncturists for acupuncture. Not MD’s, PT’s, OT’s, or OD’s. The abstract of a case report below does not indicate if ‘dry needling’ a questionable form of acupuncture, which lead to an infection after spine surgery was provided by a physical therapist with minimal education in […]
Newport Beach High Quality Acupuncture, Patient experiences with Acupuncturist in Newport Beach Thank you to all our wonderful patients for trusting me, sharing your lives, pain, and worries with me since 2008 (Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, LAc) and since 2002 (Dr. Mehvar, OMD, LAc). It was such an honor to meet you bedside. TESTIMONIAL: LONG […]