Acupuncture cannot induce labor. Induction is a medical procedure. Acupuncture may aid a vaginal birth: When Braxton hicks do not start at the appropriate time if the cervix has not softened, or to aid cervical ripening it the baby has ‘not dropped’ It depends on your bishop score and how far along you are. You […]
Hi, are you interested in Holistic Health Newport Beach While you’re trying to get pregnant do not use the listed essential oils, for both men and women. Once you are pregnant, do not use these essential oils either, or for your children prior to puberty. You can consume them as food, or garnish in their normal […]
If you want to try everything you’ve found on google for breech presentation, we cannot help you. If you want the assistance of our experts; you will need a consultation if your baby is breeched. Research While clinical practice does not always reflect the methods used in research and questions remain over the use of […]
Acupuncture Research While clinical practice does not always reflect the methods used in research and questions remain over the use of methods such as a placebo in acupuncture, or the use of prescribed points rather than an individual diagnosis, western medical research does offer opportunities to discuss and promote acupuncture to medical professionals and the […]
Effects of acupuncture and stabilising exercises as adjunct to standard treatment in pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain: randomised single blind controlled trial The main finding of this study was that acupuncture or stabilising exercises as an adjunct to standard treatment offer clear clinical advantages over standard treatment alone for reduction of pain in pregnant […]
Most insurances cover acupuncture for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Smith et al in 2002 published two articles from their research on nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. The first looked at the effectiveness of acupuncture for nausea and vomiting. (1) and the second at the safety of acupuncture treatment in early pregnancy (2) The objective […]
Acupuncture During Pregnancy is Safe, Not all Acupuncturists evaluate and treat pregnant women. In a randomized control trial of 593 pregnant women to address the risk factors of acupuncture during pregnancy, found acupuncture does not cause any adverse effects during pregnancy to mother or baby. It is the only therapy which will address pregnancy related […]