opioid addiction acupuncture Newport Beach

Opioid Addiction

Posted on November 1, 2022

Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, LAc, aids patients to recover from opioid addiction with acupuncture in Newport Beach.

Opioid Taper Program requires an initial evaluation and consultation which is provided virtually.

If the patient is a good fit, the treatment is provided in Los Angeles, and requires a 14-day stay.

The dose of acupuncture has been removed from the testimonial, because the protocol is proprietary to Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, LAc. If you know other acupuncturist who act as the primary and assist in substance withdrawal and rehab of the addicted brain do contact me.  Do not assume you can go to the acupuncturist at any corner once a week for such outcomes. The patient did not choose to have acupuncture for detox, the doctor made that decision, and provided explanation of what was required to do so.  This protocol is provided in Los Angeles, under the supervision of Dr. Pourhassani, DACM, LAc.

An evaluation is required to deem if the patient is an appropriate candidate, and to explain the details of treatment, and relapse intervention which follows after the withdrawal/detox.

These are the words of a previous patient who suffered from substance use disorder & has not relapsed since the detox and relapse prevention protocol (2008).


“I was addicted to heroin for three years.  One of those three years I was also using cocaine.  Once I stopped using heroin I moved to using Suboxone in order to curb my cravings and withdrawals
(a synthetic opiate given to intravenous users).  


When I was a heroin addict I tried to quit many times.  I went to rehab for 3 months on two separate occasions within one year.  It took my will away from me and my best friend passed away from the same soul draining addiction. I got to the point where I had enough.  I regained my will to live, believing that I am not the addiction and that I am still inside waiting to be free again. 


It is easy to forget what freedom feels like; to belong to oneself. Depression is a major side effect of addiction, along with a feeling of hopelessness and fear. 


I was afraid of the sickness that twisted my mind and body into pain and
madness.  I also feared the aftermath – weeks and months of sleeplessness and anxiety.  How could I belong to the mindset of those around me, how could I function?  People with long standing opiate addictions have a different brain physiology. 

The opiate receptors in the survival part an addict’s brain are far more numerous thanin a pre-addicted brain. This causes the brain’s reward system to not respond to stimuli in a normal fashion, meaning it needs the drugs to feel pleasure, calmness and a sense of normality. 

This is the reason a former addict experiences cravings and often relapses, giving in to the strong influence of the brain’s survival programming.  There are very few scientifically proven ways to reverse this programming and lessen the extra opiate receptors and cravings. Acupuncture is one of them.


I decided to try acupuncture under the care of Shabnam Pourhassani. At this time I was primarily in her care and received no other treatments or prescriptions.
She treated me X amount of  days during the withdrawals (dose of acupuncture has been removed).

When we first began treatment I could not sleep more than 3-4 hours a night, experienced major anxiety, and lacked energy. I would wake up every morning
nauseous and feeling dope sick.  Within (X amount of days of)  acupuncture these symptoms were lessened and I began to regain hope and feel good.   


During the insertion of the acupuncture needles I experienced tremendous relief. Shortly after I began treatment I was actually able to get some sleep and was amazed at how easily I tolerated the withdrawals.  There was no thrashing around and wanting to die as I had
experienced at the rehab center.


I even felt a sense of hope. I had made it.  It was amazing.  


The follow up treatments were X amout of times a week depending on my

I was able to sleep through the night and had more energy. 

The acupuncture was miraculous for the cravings, which I was worried about on the onset of quitting.   My cravings went away completely
and I had no desire to return to that lifestyle.  My emotions started to liven again and I knew this time I could make it. 


I had inflicted so much damage to my body that I could no longer even drink alcohol.   If I did I would get sick immediately. 

My symptoms from the addiction were many, including digestive issues. I had completely worn down the lining of my stomach down from years of using and hindered my body’s ability to produce digestive enzymes. As a result I couldn’t tolerate eating anything acidic, spicy, or greasy.
There were few foods I could eat without experiencing a negative reaction.
With the continued treatments, over time I could eat what I wanted and
my thinking became sharper.  


I could feel excitement and happiness once again.   


I discontinued the acupuncture treatments after X months and now almost two years later, I have not had a single craving.  


I look and feel so much better. I eat healthy and haven’t gained any excess


I feel like the acupuncture really helped to normalize my body so my mind can now deal with life. I can drink alcohol without the addictive part of my brain taking it too far. I actually prefer being sober most of the time because I enjoy the natural bursts of adrenaline and emotions reminding me of that childhood feeling of bliss and happiness. 


Shabnam Pourhassani is an extremely understanding and
patient healer. She listened and created a treatment plan that was personally suited to the needs of my mind and body.

Her gentle approach in inserting the needles is a feeling of true
caring.  I trusted her immediately and I am so thankful, so grateful to have gone to the right person. Thank you, Shabnam Pourhassani.  


I hope my testimonial can help others with addiction. You are not your addiction.  You can feel happiness and if you can’t it is because something is out of balance, something is blocking your ability and that can be fixed, healed, and set free.”

Recover from opioid addiction acupuncture Newport Beach acupuncturist provides relapse prevention in Los Angeles and Newport Beach.